Plea of the animals
Extracted from a book of Loup Blanc / White Wolf to appear soon. Photos: Yoa – Création Lumière (Light Creations)
We all, without exception, want to live in happiness, in wealth, health, joy and security, but unfortunately we create each day the contrary. How is it possible to live in harmony when we kill to live? How can we live in harmony when conflict is inside us? We are always told about human genocide but do you ever think of animal genocide?

Don’t you hear the plea of my brothers, the animals?
For a long time now, entire races have been decimated by personal interest, ignorance or for the taste of blood; the pleasure of killing and having power over another creature be it a poor deer, stag, elephant, leopard, seal, bird, or dolphin… This genocide is a sea of blood created by ignorance and greed, without respect of the lives of other creatures.

During a Samadhi, I was able to see the animal’s life Tree and all those animals that had died because of cupidity, ignorance, perversion, and so on…
I often hear that one can eat what one wants on the path of light.
I often hear that one can eat what one wants on the path of light.
I often hear that one can eat what one wants on the path of light. Those who think this way certainly have work to do on themselves before leading others!
On the path of light, one needs to eat food that is alive, so no meat at all: only fruits, vegetables, fresh pressed vegetable and fruit juices, and grains in modest amount. Your body will be slender, harmonious and beautiful because what you eat influences your psyche.
I have been saying for 40 years now that spiritual evolution is linked with healthy food, which means not to eat any flesh since flesh is dead. A happy life is connected to conscious acts of love and compassion. So, I shall say it again:
We must banish all animal products from our plates. We should love all animals, flowers, trees, rocks and stones. Everything on this planet is an expression of love. By loving in this way, we will love our fellow men as well. And Life will bless us because Life is Consciousness and Consciousness is Life; Life is conscious!
If only you could hear the complaint of the animals as I can, it is saying:

When the animal's plea is heard... (1/3)
Tell me why, perfect creature that you are, you don’t understand I was not created to finish in your stomach?
I was created to populate the Earth and fill it, just like you, for aesthetic beauty and to awaken the heart of your kind. I am not an inferior race as you humans claim me to be because I do not speak your language. And you, can you speak mine? No!
Do you feel anything when you take my cub to finish in your plate? Don’t you know the pain a mother goes through when she loses her child?
The difference between you and me is that I move on four legs; and you on two, but you once belonged to the animal race! Have you forgotten? Or don’t you want to remember your first incarnations on this Earth?
What pleasure do you take in killing a poor lamb? To see it wander about in the meadow and to say: “Wow! Look how beautiful…”. And then ended up in your plate as a lamb roast and say: ” Yummy! How delicious?
There is a big difference between saying, “Wow! Look how beautiful it is” and “Yummy! How delicious it is,” you know? It’s quite simple…
When you look at a lamb and say to yourself, “how beautiful it is”, you can envision it running around, snuggling up to its mother, and hear its cute bleats. It is happy to be alive, to be in this meadow with its mother and the other lambs.
When you say, “how delicious it is”, it’s already in your stomach. No more running, no more bleating. Only your stomach is satisfied and making gurgling noises.
Have you no heart men / women?

When the animal's plea is heard... (2/3)
Are you so far from the divine laws that we respect by the letter? We are not meat!
We are born to live our animal lives, just like you are living your human lives.
You think you are the Creator’s chosen ones? Poor humans, you are so far from being that. The real kingdom of Mother Nature is not any more open for you.
Our flesh poisons you everyday because you took our right to live our experience away from us, so you must pay the price. This price is your illnesses and your lack of well-being. Our blood poisons you and enters your thoughts, creating conflict little by little.
The more you kill us, the more your own blood will be spent; that’s the law of cause and effect (karmic law).
The more you kill us, the more your own blood will be spent; that’s the law of cause and effect (karmic law). Your blood is spent through wars, violence…
You don’t want any more wars, violence and hatred? Then stop killing animals! The world then will change into a paradise. Stop the race for profit and it will become equitable for all.
Realize this: when you are seated at your table, you are like demons and ogres feasting over our flesh. Your slaughter houses are killing machines and blood flows in a flood without any respect for our lives. Yes, you are like demons without any conscience, without remorse. One day you will be eaten as well…
The act of living is a sacred act, a gift, a responsibility. We are all responsible for nature’s equilibrium. We must be guardians of Life. Respect flowers, trees, ants…..I tell you all forms of life are sacred!
If you have respect, then life will respect you too! Love all forms of Life. Cherish animals like a person having a different way of life than you. Everything on earth is meant to be loved and respected.
It is very important to stop the slaughtering merely to satisfy your need for wealth. I think of the elephants that are so noble and warmhearted. Have you ever looked an elephant in the eye? So much love is contained in his look, so much tolerance! He lets himself be domesticated by man to help in tasks where his strength is needed.
Hunters, have you looked in the eye of deer, a stag, at the very moment you are going to pull the trigger? They know that death is close. So much love and innocence! So much beauty and grace in a deer, in a roe or in a stag!

When the animal's plea is heard... (3/3)
Understand that we are even willing to give our flesh if you need it to survive. We are willing to make so many sacrifices for your satisfaction and for you to be able to live your earthly life. But please also understand that you do not need to eat flesh, a dead body in order to live! You must nourish yourself through Life, Life is offered to all…
Life is the love that the Mother provides to all creatures: fruits, vegetables, cereals and all growing things. That is Life!
What pleasure in overfeeding the turkey for Christmas, so that you can eat it. To eat sick animals to become sick ?
Man you are so stupid. You say that I am a beast because I live in the woods, the fields or elsewhere. But it is you the bloodthirsty beast. When you watch a lion running after an antilope, you feel sorry for it. But when it is you killing, you are proud of the trophy.
You say the lion is a bloodthirsty predator. But when this lion has eaten, we could walk in front of him without being worried for our lives, because he doesn’t kill for pleasure like you do. You say its bloodthirsty, a predator, but you, human, are destructive!
You say its bloodthirsty, a predator, but you, human, are destructive!
Open the door of your heart and ask for forgiveness for all the animals slaughtered for the pleasure of the stomach or just for the pleasure of killing!
Yes you only think of destroying nature, polluting the air, water, all the vital elements for growth. You lack awareness! Open up to this other reality, to the divine consciousness, ever loving and protective. Open the door of your heart and ask for forgiveness for all the animals slaughtered for the pleasure of the stomach or just for the pleasure of killing!
How thrilling it is to take a life! So rewarding to let blood flow, to take a mother from its calf or vice-versa! So much pride in showing the hunting trophies, putting a stuffed head on the wall, an animal skin at the floor of the bed. This is all so gratifying to your ego!
To understand the animals soul, one needs a heart and above all, to have consciousness. This is not the case for everyone, to have a heart and consciousness The heart is consciousness and consciousness is the heart.
We animals live in the forest, the jungle, the plains, to embellish nature. We are close to native people, tribes. We live in harmony, in our true place. These tribes kill to eat, to defend themselves, but not for the pleasure of killing like the white man does.
Via White Wolf, we want to deliver you this important message. Much more could be said but that is for later.
Receive our warm regards. The Great Spirit is watching you, but not judging. It is you that will be doing that on the day of the grand voyage into the other reality, the one called Death!
Do you want Life to smile at you, respects you ? Then start byat the start: respect Life!
For many years now I’ve been working underground for the respect of animals. I send this message to the universe through the drum, the flute, the rattle…. Through rhythm, I give the impulse for the change of consciousness, so that mankind can make a new start.
This will happen and I invite you to do so. This is why I decided to talk, to show the way, to open the teaching to a greater number. The time has come.
I prefer to teach to quality rather than for the masses who doesn’t understand the way of the Spirit. This is why I only accept vegan and vegetarian people. So before one comes and sees me, if one isn’t on this path yet, one mustn’t eat any meat or fish during 3 months, nor smoking nor drinking alcohol. You might have seen that I sometimes wear animal skins or have them at my feet, so you may think that I talk about things that I don’t do myself. Don’t be mistaken! These animal skins in my possession are sacred skins, from ancient Native American’s that came to me to do ceremonies, to be in communion with these animals that have left their skin. With their help I heal, transform the beings that approach me.
With their help I heal, transform the beings that approach me. When I put on those skins, I become the animal totem. I connect with the strength of those animals to accomplish an act of redemption.
So now you know that what I wear is sacred and through this sacredness ancient rituals are accomplished for the wellbeing of all animals, as well as humans.
Much could be said about animals, our four legged brothers and sisters, two legged, crawling or swimming ones.
To finish, I will say this last simple thing yet so true: someone who doesn’t like animals and makes them suffer or killing them can not love his fellow men. By doing so, he goes against the great cosmic law of Life.
This law says :
Taking a Life is the biggest crime against the divine who resides in each one of us.
Ajapa kounimata nouchi oklayaminaputcha !
May the Great Spirit be with you and in you!White Wolf (Loup Blanc)
White Wolf’s music honors Life of our brother the animals. Listen to it here…
Share this page as much as possible so that awareness may shine on this reality of the animals genocide! Thank you.

Copyright © – This article is protected. It’s an extract from White Wolf’s book coming out soon. Partial reproduction of this article or images is forbidden. However, the author invites you to share it. But only if you mention the source : Text from White Wolf Shaman (Loup Blanc Chaman)- – Photos : Yoa –