Featured Albums

Through his shamanic music, White Wolf transmits an energy, a Teaching … In fact, White Wolf touch directly to your Soul. The shamanic music of White Wolf is not a music in the sense that one usually hears it, it is a real Awakening tool that promotes the healing of the Soul!

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Sois en Paix album Musique mp3

“Be in Peace and know that I am God”
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Featured Spiritual Book

Livre Chamanisme Loup Blanc

Prefaces of Jean-Yves Leloup and the Lama Jamyang Tashi Dorje

The Mudra Pater – Sacred Gesture is a book of White Wolf in which is revealed the sacred gesture that goes with the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, the Lord’s Prayer.

This prayer, even if it is said especially by Christians, concerns everyone: it is not addressed to the Father as to “my father” but as to “Our Father”, that of all.

Whether they are Catholics, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or any other religion, all can … Learn more